European Adventure Part X: Day 2

I woke up to some beautiful sunshine in Lisbon. It was time to EXPLORE! I had some fun things planned for the day.


I won’t say that I hopped out of bed, but i did get out of bed with more pep than might be expected for someone who had just traveled so far. I did allow myself to sleep in a little though. I loved puttering around my adorable kitchen. The fresh bread delivery was delicious as expected. I tried the coffee, but then remembered how coffee over here can mess with a little bit and switched to tea.

I soon found myself out on the street. Where I’m at is pretty flat, but in my walk to where the walking tour was taking place, I got to see a few of Lisbon’s seven hills. They are STEEP. Think San Francisco but more. Doesn’t matter which direction you turn in there are hills.


The walking tour was delightful! I started half way up a big ass hill, and then continued up that hill, but when we got to the top! THOSE VIEWS!! The rest of the tour, we wandered our way down, learning history about the city, and the culture of Lisbon. Our tour guide, Patrick, was delightful. He’s from Ireland, came to visit Lisbon, fell in love and stayed. I can totally see that happening because this is such a charming town. Here are some pictures from the tour.


After the tour, I headed north on the Metro to a tile crafting workshop. Azeljos are the traditional Portuguese painted tiles. It was so lovely to just sit back and get creative. My three other fellow crafters were also American. I loved learning a new craft, and just taking a moment to breath and take a moment in Agathe’s beautiful flat.


I took the Metro back down to Baixa and wandered to a cute little sidewalk cafe for some dinner. Breakfast is a big thing here so I got some shakshuka with bacon. I finished my meal with a glass of rosé, which was a massive pour, so I only drank about half of it. I after eating I enjoyed being outside, journaled, and soaked in the day.

UP NEXT: We’ll see, y’all. I’m supposed to be getting up early to watch the sunrise in Alfama…then I’m going to go explore Belem and a monastery.